This is my choice as a woman, as a person, as a submissive, as slave 504-531-403 to give myself FREELY to my Master.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Limits list July 2012

Master asked me to redo my limits list as a lot has changed and I have begun to allow him to take control of me in ways I never dreamed.

I found a more detailed list to use, due to the change in play, and I tried to give more than yes, no answers.

A MS Excel file can be DLed by clicking here, Sir.

Awaiting Your leisure to discuss,
♥ sweet

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Abernathy Lesson 3 - Assessing Strengths & Weaknesses

Exercise: List 5 things for each of the following categories:
Activity: In the next week choose one item from the second list - things you'd like to learn - and research how you might begin to learn it.

Project Date: June 25, 2012
Start by date: August 1, 2012

Document progress below
Choice Made: how to paint my nails (starting easy)
How To #1: slow down, have patience, do not rush.

Abernathy Lesson 2 - What kind of slave am I?

Exercise: Imagine you are a live-in slave, serving your ideal dominant. What would you like to be like? Choose the answer that fits your dream. (pgs 82-87)

I choose 2 answers for a few because either would be equally ideal for me. Tallying them up, I get: A's (2), B's (4), C's (3), D's (6)

In order of scoring this is: D.) escort, B.) sex slave, C.) housekeeper/cook, and A.) body servant/valet.

A high number of D's suggests that I would like to be an "escort" style slave... essentially on Your arm all the time. The scale suggests I have an attractive personality and excellent communication skills. Also that I enjoy meeting new people and serving in public - though discreetly. The equality of the remainder suggests that: A's) enjoy the more formal roles at home and/or in private, B's) I would do well at public BDSM functions in service to you, & C's) would be a good personal secretary to You.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I currently feel more C) housekeeper with B) sex slave mixed in. As a mother and wife this is expected. I would like to work on rounding this out more, please, Sir. You do Your part exercising your role discreetly in public, I need to do the same.


♥, Your sweet

From 1/1/09
In this lesson i learned that i am suited for a housekeeping servant, with sexual and personal escort tendencies. (but we already knew that)

When one thinks of servitude in this lifestyle, sex is the assumption. Domestic servitude is about caring for Master and meeting His every need, be that His need for clean jeans, a hot meal, a cold drink, sweaty sex, or a quickie with His favorite personal secretary perched across His lap.

Serving is about giviong yourself freel to all His needs.

Abernathy Lesson 1 - What is a Slave?

Exercise. Write twenty words, phrases, images, or associations that come to mind when you hear the word "slave." Try to take no longer than two minutes.

**transferred from notebook**
love, control, sex, pain, comfort, care, commands, orders, demands, punishment, fears, passion, need, gift, collar, cuff, whip, relinquishment, offerings, forever

Activity: Write an affirmation of your right to consent. Place it where you will see it several times daily.

I have the unalienable right to consent the control I keep of my destiny and choose the right to live a life of service at your command.

Public view/to post visibly: Right. Consent. Service

List from 1/1/09 (to note possible changes in thought?)
HIS, love, giving, taken, owned, collar, pain, spanking, sex, caring, safe, derf, hold, surrender, handciffs, bound, wonderful, teachings, lessons, written, talk to Master truthfully, freedom, openness, ready, willing, submissive

my affirmations from 1/1/09:
I have the right to give myself freely.
I choose to give the gift of my service to better myself and others.
I accept the gift of servitude as an acceptance of myself.
I control my destiny.
I choose that destiny to include the teachings of my Master.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

At a loss

I'm at a loss as t owhy I continue to fight with Master about everything.

I want this life. I am his to control for always.

So why don't I let him? /sigh

THIS is the thing I must control and only this:

And my mouth... I must learn to control my God forsaken bratty ass mouth!

I really feel like a failure lately. For some reason giging up contril makes me anxious, and I don;t know why.

♥ sweet