This is my choice as a woman, as a person, as a submissive, as slave 504-531-403 to give myself FREELY to my Master.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Abernathy Lesson 8 - Obedience II: Awareness of others

Exercise: Think of someone you have met in the last day or two.
Describe them, their appearance, what they are wearing, their mood, and their state of mind.
I've met no one new this recently. I will return when the situation arises.
Now think of someone you see daily that is not a close friend. Answer the same questions.
I have no "regular I see daily. I will return when the situation arises.

Activity: Next time you go out to eat, remember your server's name and use it.
Use it when asking for assistance or thanking them.
I will use this this weekend when/if it comes up. Otherwise it will be done ASAP.

Exercise: List 5 non-verbal clues regarding how you can tell when a person is:
  1. tight face
  2. clenched fists
  3. shuttered breathing
  4. that "look" in the eye
  5. aggressive walk
  1. sad face
  2. silence
  3. oversleeping consistently
  4. tears
  5. sighs
  1. bright eyes
  2. smile
  3. "bouncy"
  4. clapping
  5. fast breathing
Activity: Go to a busy public place and close your eyes.
Using your other senses, locate the person closest to you. What can you say about them? How can you describe them. Open your eyes. How close were you?
I will use this this weekend when/if it comes up. Otherwise it will be done ASAP.

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