This is my choice as a woman, as a person, as a submissive, as slave 504-531-403 to give myself FREELY to my Master.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Abernathy Lesson 1 - What is a Slave?

Exercise. Write twenty words, phrases, images, or associations that come to mind when you hear the word "slave." Try to take no longer than two minutes.

**transferred from notebook**
love, control, sex, pain, comfort, care, commands, orders, demands, punishment, fears, passion, need, gift, collar, cuff, whip, relinquishment, offerings, forever

Activity: Write an affirmation of your right to consent. Place it where you will see it several times daily.

I have the unalienable right to consent the control I keep of my destiny and choose the right to live a life of service at your command.

Public view/to post visibly: Right. Consent. Service

List from 1/1/09 (to note possible changes in thought?)
HIS, love, giving, taken, owned, collar, pain, spanking, sex, caring, safe, derf, hold, surrender, handciffs, bound, wonderful, teachings, lessons, written, talk to Master truthfully, freedom, openness, ready, willing, submissive

my affirmations from 1/1/09:
I have the right to give myself freely.
I choose to give the gift of my service to better myself and others.
I accept the gift of servitude as an acceptance of myself.
I control my destiny.
I choose that destiny to include the teachings of my Master.

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